Best game of the season

@Rose7179 (217)
United States
September 18, 2007 3:06pm CST
Well I can't wait until Sunday. I think it is going to be the best game of the season. Ya see I am a Cowboys fan and a Bears. So when they play each other it is a fun day. My husband is a Bears fan also. I hope that the Cowboys win but the Bears are a good team. It will make for a great game. What do you think?
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3 responses
• United States
20 Sep 07
I love the Cowboys and this will be a very interesting game due to the fact that these two teams are like mirrored opposites so far this year. The Cowboys seem to have an explosive offense but has a lot of trouble on the defensive side. The Bears have a crushing defense but a struggling offense. Whatever the outcome between Da Boys and Da Bears it will be a game worth watching and maybe a precursor of things to come.
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
20 Sep 07
Very true lets just hope the Bears don't wake up and remember how to play a real game until after this weekend!
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Well I think that the Cowboy are going to win, Sense I am a cowboys fan of course i am going to root for them right! I am sure though it will be a fun game that's for sure.. The bears well I am not a fan so I am not saying nothing about them...
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
18 Sep 07
LOL I want the Cowboys to win too!! We always make little bets on the game.
@llagosto (14)
• United States
20 Sep 07
I think the game is going to be one of the best for this season. I am such a huge cowboys fan and one of my bestfriends is a bears fan so its going to be interesting to see who wins. I of course will definitely be cheering for dallas and if they win we will be 3 and 0! Im so excited cant wait...