Cold feet and cold hands?

@laurika (4532)
United States
September 26, 2007 11:00pm CST
I have one problem.It could be hot summer, but my feet and hands are cold every time.In the winter it is very uncomfortable becuase my all body is cold and plus have a cold hands and feet, sometimes I feel like having gloves on my hands even if I am inside.Does anybody has similar problem?
2 responses
@ajyukie15 (217)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Mine is hands and my feet are cold when the weather is cold or i stay inside the room with aircon. Its really weird cause im the only one like that in my family my mom said why im like that and i dont know why. Now im here in US i always have this cold hands and cold feet even my husband complaining cause im palying with him hehehe i put my feet on his body lol and he's jumping cause he dont like it hehehe
@laurika (4532)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Hehe yeah I can imagine.I always take my hand and put it on my fiancee back...and he jumps too:))I love that.You see, I just fine one advantage of having cold hands.I can have fun with
• United States
27 Sep 07
I don't personally have that problem, I actually have the opposite where if I come in from the cold my hands and feet over compensate for the temperature and feel like they're on fire. That's usually a problem with circulation. It wouldn't hurt to go see your doctor because it could even be a problem with you iron levels and they will definitely be able to suggest things you can do. And hey, gloves wouldn't hurt inside if it makes you feel better. Get some really warm slipper socks and some hot cocoa and go see your doc. GOOD LUCK!
@laurika (4532)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Oh thank you for such a caring about me, it was very sweet of you.I already see a doctor, they just tell me to take a gingo for better circulation, seems like doesn't work, maybe I should go see him again.