KELLY CLARKSON---getting fat :)

@jHoEn16 (2043)
October 1, 2007 10:54pm CST
does anybody here knows kelly clarkson? well i saw her last night on tv performing on australian idol and my gosh.. shes fat! lol Shes singing her new song and she's good... she really can sing...but her face is getting bigger... she gain weight lol does anybody here like kelly clarkson?
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16 responses
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
i like kelly clarkson's song since you,ve been gone and walk away. so what if she's fat. as far as i can remember she is really a bit chubby. aretha franklin is fat but what the heck they are good singers. i think we should focus more on the quality of the voice than the physical features. e c wise nga pretty pero no voice at all. whahaha
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
so do i... i like her song a moment like this and because of you... its nice... i know that voice is important its just that i was shock when i saw her on tv... and even my hubby was shock too...
@roniroxas (10560)
• Philippines
3 Oct 07
and i know you and your hubby are both shockalso on how some responded on your discussion. lol.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
correct... he was very shock!!!! :)
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I do like Kelly Clarkson, although I don't own any of her music. The camera does add ten pounds. I have seen her recently, but I didn't think she was fat. She is short, which doesn't help at all, and her face is naturally round, so that makes her look more round overall. If that is fat, I would like to be the same way. : )
• Canada
2 Oct 07
I agree with you! LOl
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@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
i do like her too... that time i saw her she was wearing a black dress she gain a little weight... but still she sing well... she has the voice
@bonbon664 (3466)
• Canada
2 Oct 07
I wouldn't call her fat. She's a little chubby, but, I wouldn't call her fat. Even if she was, she's still a talented girl. I feel sorry that people in the public eye are constantly being criticized about their weight. Who cares.
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@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
yes she is a very talented woman...and even if she gain more weight she can still sing... most of fat singers are really good like aretha franklin... on the other side i am skinny so if ever i gain a bit weight i called it fat... if my friends gain weight i said the same and they said that so..... i get used to that word since it is most common than the word chubby... and yes, if you were a celebrity you are being judge by public especially on weight... but some of them doesnt mean it its just that sometimes its being mis interpret by others,... thanks pal for the responce have a good night ahead :)
2 Oct 07
I don't think it really matters if she has gained a couple of pounds or not. She has a great voice and a load of talent. The camer always makes people look larger anyway.
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@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
i agree that she has a great voice! :) she can sing well... ive seen her before singing on a show slim so it was a shock for me to saw her that time... she gain weight.. :) but still good
@raychill (6525)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Why is that funny? I know who Kelly Clarkson is. She was the first American Idol. I like her singing, though I did not watch American Idol when she was one of the contestants. What does her getting "Fat" in your eyes have anything to do with liking her...and why does her being "Fat" have anything to do with her singing? Are you anti "fat" people? And what ... is "fat" to you someone who doesn't weigh 110 pounds? that's just rude. there is no "lol" about this.
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
3 Oct 07
You said I what I didn't say. I added the LOL, but I didn't find it funny. I worred about offending someone on my friend list. What's worse, there are more people in the discussion that agree. That girl is not fat, and it wouldn't be funny if she were.
@raychill (6525)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I read your post Ambiepam and I don't think you were offensive. I got what you meant. I hope this person realizes how many people they offended. If she's fat... I guess most women are Obese!
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
first and foremost i am not anti "FAT" people because i do have a lot of friends that are "FAT" :) i didnt said that kelly is getting fat, i dont like her anymore... of course i do like her still because even if she looks fat she still can sing well... i have seen her videos before, ive seen her sing on a show and shes not that fat like i saw her 2 days ago.. she is not skinny but slim and sexy... and the last time i saw her all i can say that she gain weight... on every responce and comment i made i always have smileys :) and the word lol... well thats the way i am... a happy person... and if you find it rude then what can i do? change my smiley to sad and change lol to cos? thanks for the comment pal :)
@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
2 Oct 07
She may be a little chubby, but the whole world can not be thin! Personally I like looking at someone who is real and doesn't look like she would kill for a hamburger! Anyway she has a voice that is so beautiful, why look at her weight. She is judged by her singing ability not her weight.
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
3 Oct 07
She's never been skinny, but she wasn't born to be skinny. Her body type would look odd if she were a stick.
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@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
3 Oct 07
i know and like kelly clarkson. she doesnt look like she gained any weight but her weight has nothing to do with her talent.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
absolutely right! it has nothing to do with her talent thanks pal for sharing :)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
2 Oct 07
If she is happy with who she is and the way she looks, then so be it. Her voice is still great regardless of what she looks like - I find it offensive that you are calling her fat - so what?!?!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
4 Oct 07
No worries, chubby sounds more better to me than when someone says FAT. I have been told many times I am fat and I hate that word. It can be very demeaning even if someone says it just for fun. She has a beautiful voice and comes across as a person with a bubbly personality. I think because of her height and you know how we ALL look bigger in front of the tv, well I know I do haha, we tend to look a little bigger. Have a nice day!
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
im sorry then if you find my discussion offensive but i didnt mean to... as ive explain to others.. i get used to say the word fat rather than chubby coz thats the common word for me... i am not fat and i wish i would gain weight.. i used to say these expression to my friend... gosh youre getting fat pal i hope me too... even if they only gain 5, 10 pounds... i didnt used the word chubby i used fat.. hope that explanation would help you to understand me :) thanks pal for the responce :) have a nice day ahead :)
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
5 Oct 07
correct! we do look bigger on the camera thats why i do like it...hahahha thanks pal :)
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
2 Oct 07
First off, Kelly Clarkson isn't fat. I don't even think she is chubby. She is normal. She looks human as opposed those skeletons walking around hollywood defining what society says is beautiful. Also, she is a Texas gal all the way. She likes her steak and potatoes. Good for her. I am proud that she isn't buying into this super skinny crap. I have talked to guys about what they find sexy and trust me, at least here in Texas, men like women who look like women. They want women with curves in all the right places. I asked my hubby to name 5 hot, famous women. He told me Jennifer Lopez, Sara Ramirez, Tyra Banks, Kelly Clarkson, and Shakira. None of those women are hollywood skinny. They all have some meat on their bones and look hot.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
he likes tyra banks? i like her too especially on her show and i like her on coyote ugly... your hubby has a good choice of hot popular woman... thanks for the responce :)
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I really like her music and I think her talent is more important than whether she's a size 5 or not. It seems alot of ppl in society are hung up on ppl's weight... especially celebraties who are constantly in the limelight. Personally, I don't care if she gains weight... she's still got some really great talent. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
6 Oct 07
right! :) thats why most of the celebrety are aware of thier body because of people will critisize them... oh well thats the life in showbiz... back to our topic, i agree ahe still have a talent even if she will be fat she is a very talented girl and pretty thanks for the responce :)
@shahmeerx (368)
• Pakistan
8 Dec 07
kelly clarkson is a really good singer and really hot but she shouldn't gain weight because she wouldnot apppear better to the people,i personally like kelly clarkson as a hot singer.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
13 Dec 07
thanks for sharing pal.....
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
2 Oct 07
Oh I love Kelly Clarkson. I voted and voted for her to win when she was on American Idol. I don't care for the type of singing she does, I like her better singing country. I do love her song she sings with Reba McEntyre. Yes, at times she does seem to have extra weight on her and at others she don't look as big. One thing is her body frame too that makes her appear a little heavier and some of the clothes she wears also does it but I do agree, at times she does appear a little over weight but as long as she can sing her weight is ok with me if it is ok with her. Just sing more country, she is ruining her vocals with all that yelling. LOL
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
oh thank god that its not me who recognize that!:) you must be a kelly clarkson fanatic... imagine you vote and vote for her? that would be nice i hope she will know that for sure you will hear her saying thank you :) i like her too when she sings that because of you and a moment like this... it suits on her voice that type of music... her new album now was a little bit of yell but she carry it well... thanks for the responce pal have a goodnight ahead :)
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
4 Oct 07
No, I would not call myself a Kelly Clarkson fanatic, I don't even own not one of her CD's. When she was a contestant I thought she was the best and deserved to win the title of American Idol, that is why I voted for her week after week. And I forgot to mention in my other post that to me she is not fat, she is just like a lot of us that put on a little weight from time to time and even when on American Idol there were days that she seemed to look a little bigger than other days. She is just human thank goodness. :)
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
ahhhh yes :) i agree.. she is human too... she so lucky to have a good talent in singing and now she is so popular
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
Yes, I do know Kelly Clarkson. I like her songs, but I haven't noticed that she gained weight because I haven't watched tv for a while..
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
she really have a good voice... but if you see her shes gaining weight than before... but still she sing very good thanks for the responce
• United States
3 Oct 07
kelly clarkson is alright not my favorite or anything. but i am so glad i am not a celebrity. there is such an emphasis on being thin anymore that society makes it seem like if you weigh more than 100 pounds you are ugly. well i do weigh more than a hundred pounds although i am pregnant i did before that and am so thankful i do not have cameras following me around all the time. i would be terrified to eat!
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
correct! if you are popular during that pregnancy you would be terrified to eat... coz all the cameras was following you.. you say it true pal, and thats the society goes... but others if they saw celebrity people gain weight.. it doesnt mean that they are ugly anymore... it just a little bit shock of the body changes...:)maybe people mis interpret it thanks for the responce and i would like do this opportunity to congratulate you for becoming a mom soon,,:)
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
2 Oct 07
I think she looks fine the way she is. I have not noticed any changes in her appearance other than her hair. I like her music a lot.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
4 Oct 07
and i like her music too!:) hi5!
• Philippines
2 Oct 07
I love Kelly Clarkson. I am getting my energy from her songs. When i was pressured at work I sing Behind this Hazel Eyes. When I am down, i sing Break Away. When i was inlove i sing A moment like this. Actually a friend of mine cried when i sang Because of you on her birthday, because that is her favorite song. Back to the topic, yeah she's getting fatter and that don't look good. I like her skinny. but she is still the best singer for me.
@jHoEn16 (2043)
• Australia
3 Oct 07
wow hi5! i like that song too! a moment like this and because of you... see? :) you noticed too that shes gaining weight! :) i thought its just me and my husband recognize it.. thanks for responding sis