Reality TV

United States
October 9, 2007 6:21pm CST
I have been watching this series called American Princess. It is about taking 12 girls from all over the United States and seeing which one can be tunred into a real british princess. They go through a series of test and tasks and obstacles to see which one is most suited. Each week one is sent home. After the first few go home they send the rest to England to put them into society to see how they are. The winner is rewarded with a real british title, a diamond taira, and 50,000.00 cash. I like this show because most of the girls are average girls. They do not have self confident and some are big. They are not all the model types. I think that this shows will help girls realize that you can be the your best and do not have to be the model type to be happy. I pan to watch each new season they come up with. It is helping me with my self image and it is teaching me a lot about British customs which will help me later when I go to England. Then I will know what to do.
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