What is more important for you, Money, Friends, Family, or God?

October 27, 2006 11:17pm CST
For me my family and friends are the most important in my life, what about you?
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19 responses
@whitish (1406)
• India
28 Oct 06
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Goof for you
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Sorry, A typo, I wanted to say Good for you!...
@ndevkate (182)
• India
28 Oct 06
every thing that you mentioned all equally important cant copmpare.
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Nah... God is first or you wouldn't be able to breathe and type like you're doing if it weren't for the grace of God. Also, God gives you the ability to get wealth and make the money!
• Canada
28 Oct 06
so if understand you money is has important than God? Why?
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
28 Oct 06
If I prioritise, the following are my answers: 1. GOD 2. Family 3. Friends 4. Money If God's blessings are not there, one cannot perform. With the help of family and friends, and Grace of God one can earn one's livelihood.
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Thank you for your comment
@compumom (738)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Well said ssh123!
• India
28 Oct 06
real toufg one....money is defenitely imp..but i dont put it in front of family and frnds...money with family is what i will go along with...
• Canada
28 Oct 06
good for you
• Pakistan
28 Oct 06
Each of them is most important, and i guess one can't imagine his/her life without these all.. but at some stage the value of some may fall down but it still remain in memories.
• Canada
28 Oct 06
ok, Thanks you for your posting
@tsmeesa98 (576)
• United States
28 Oct 06
All of the above
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Do you have a special order?
@ishavasyam (1801)
• India
28 Oct 06
GOD has given me enough MONEY to support my FAMILY and has also blessed me with gr8 FRIENDS...like U
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Well thanks you friend
• India
28 Oct 06
for me all is important to some extent!!!!!
• Canada
28 Oct 06
But in what order of importance for you?
@vbembot (747)
• Philippines
28 Oct 06
god, family, friends and money of course
• Canada
28 Oct 06
thanks you,
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
28 Oct 06
I feel that God, my family and my friends are all equally and most important to me. Money would be last as that is a material thing and not as important as the other three.
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Well said about money.
@Bettyann (2485)
• United States
28 Oct 06
god is the most important thing in my life wth out him i wouldn't have nothing else then averything just falls in to place
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Thank you
• United States
28 Oct 06
God comes first, everything else will then fall into place :)
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Thanks, but one question? What if you don't beleive in god?(not that is my case, but what if?) what happen then?
• Philippines
28 Oct 06
First of all is God, Family,Friends and money...That is my order of importance!!!!!!!
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Thanks you for your answer
• Italy
28 Oct 06
Family, Music and Money
• Canada
28 Oct 06
What about friends and God?
@whitish (1406)
• India
28 Oct 06
@sweetie88 (4556)
• Pakistan
28 Oct 06
Off course, God.
• Canada
28 Oct 06
Thanks for replying
• United States
28 Oct 06
Family - God is part of my family.. family first... friends a good second... money is an illusion.
• Canada
28 Oct 06
So true.
• Northern Mariana Islands
29 Apr 07
For me, it would be God first who gave me the second most important part of my life, my family. And then friends, then money.
• India
29 Apr 07
For me My family their happiness is most important in this life which God has given us.after this is the rest.