Who is your favorite character?

United States
October 27, 2007 5:57am CST
I went through the discussions in the list for this topic, but didn't see this question yet, so I figured I'd ask it lol. So, who is your favorite character and why? I think mine would be Louann. I mean, she is the stereotypical blonde lmao. I think her Manger Babies puppets are funny too. I loved the part when Hank got into a heated argument with her Manger Babies donkey and penguin on the episode about voting.
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4 responses
• United States
1 Apr 08
my favorite character hands down is dale...with all his goverment conspiracys and talk of aliens...i wonder if he will ever find out that joseph is his son?
• United States
1 Apr 08
I wonder if they will ever reveal that Joseph isn't Dale's son (to Dale). That would be really interesting. I'd also like to see Joseph interacting with John Redcorn more if he ever found out. The closest thing to this secret being revelealed to Dale is when he thought aliens came from outer space to impregnate his wife! lol
• United States
2 Apr 08
oops thats what i ment to say i wonder if dale will ever find out that joseph isnt his son...i was sleepy it was late! lol i find the shows have been becoming increasingly boring this season to be honest....
• United States
12 Dec 07
Danny Phantom is my favorite of the new cartoons out, Beetlejuice is my favorite of the older cartoons
• United States
1 Apr 08
I'm so sorry I haven't replied to your comment months earlier! I just now read it lol. I think the E-mail has been eating some of my notifications because there are lots of discussions I didn't know had replies until I checked on them myself. Anyway, this discussion is about the cartoon called "King of the Hill". I never heard of Danny Phantom before. What country is that from? Oh, I loved Beetlejuice when they had that show on Saturday mornings! That cartoon was so funny hehe. Oh, and before I forget, I like your avatar too. Really Christmasy. Where do you get avatars like that? Can you make it yourself?
@mrsjbelle (1640)
• United States
11 Dec 07
Hmmm, Probabley Hank! The things he says are classic. King of the Hill is SO funny. I love it. I hope it continues on for a long long time.
• United States
12 Dec 07
I like Hank too. I love all the reactions he gives to all the stupid things he has to put up with!
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@reene0225 (351)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I really like Bobby. He's hilarious. Just the way he thinks and does things gets me. Louann pretty funny too. Then you have Hank. He's just common sense type and great cause he loses his temper so fast. I love that show. That episode you are talking about was funny, but so are most of the king of the hill episodes. I'd love to have them all on DVD.