How do you think about outdoor sports?

November 8, 2007 6:01pm CST
Yesterday,our professor of the science of the Public Relationship instructed us to make a project scheme .This project referring a series of public propaganda activities contribute to boost the reputation of a new organization .Practically, the organization will be designed by ourselves in the designed city . after a careful consideration about much diverse conditions ,our squad settle the organization on the "outdoor sports union" . to be frank,I'm not very familiar with this field .It seems that it involves much kinds of sports that I can hardly list all of them . However,they truly have much advantages .They can not only do harm to physical fitness,but also contribute to cultivate people's determination to conquer nature, develop the corporate responsibilities and help to bring about optimistic attitude to life. How about you? Do you like it? Share your feeling with us. maybe you are the outdoor sports lover and have lots of interesting experience ,please talk about them.
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