How much do you earn through myLot?

United States
November 10, 2007 2:28pm CST
How much much money do you usually earn on myLot? Do you have a lot of referrals? Anyone know who makes the most? Any special tips to share about how to make more money besides just making referrals? Oh, and how long did it take to you to start earning the amount you are at now?
2 responses
• United Arab Emirates
11 Nov 07
I do not have any referrals in mylot. i have not reached the payout. Hope that i will reach soon.
@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
10 Nov 07
I think that I earn about a penny per post or so. You earn more if your posts are longer and are more detailed. I've been on for about two months now and I'm just about at payout. I will definitely get there by the end of the month and probably go over it a bit. I'm not on mylot as often as some people so I don't earn as much as I could earn. And I think referrals would help in making more money too. Good luck to you and happy posting.