the law of cause and effect

November 29, 2007 5:44pm CST
Upon every aspect of things done in this life it obeys personal mind programming or karma for every individual depending on what ones mind think, believe and as a result what dwells and happens in ones mind (subconscious) goes along way to affect ones outward behaviour. In this sense it is of utmost important to evaluate what goes and stays in the mind of a human, because a cause will have an effect either positive or negative. It is certain.Every cause must have an outcome (effect).Better put by Isaac Newton: action and reaction are equal and opposite.
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1 response
• Philippines
30 Nov 07
You're right. Put another way, it goes "What goes around, comes around." The mind is very powerful. It has negative and positive energies of its own, drawing from the amalgam of energies in this world. It is only up to us people to use these energies properly. Specifically not to direct negative thoughts to anyone. That way, good karma will always come back to us.