christmas and depression

United States
December 19, 2007 3:13pm CST
i have a hard time with christmas every year because it was my mothers favorite holiday of giving.i have great memories of her this time a year but her not being with me upsets me. my mother died years ago but time isnt making it less painful.Any sugestion to brightnen my holidays?
3 responses
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
19 Dec 07
the loss of a loved one is always hard no matter when it is, and during the holidays (which the emphasis is so much on family) it is even harder. try and dwell on the positives that you have currently and not the negatives. Think that she would want you to remember her positively and to have a good holiday, even if its not the happiest.
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• United States
19 Dec 07
thanks cher but i need something more than just the way im thinking. i still dont know what that is but i feel every year it getting worse instead of better.
• Israel
29 Dec 07
Dear punlonnjack, There could be many reasons for the way you feel, perhaps with every passing year you are reminded of your own mortality, perhaps you miss the family cosiness that you probably felt as a child with your mom during the holidays and you don't know if or how to recreate that feeling. Or could it be that you have not yet finished putting your mother to rest? If that is the case - it will indeed be more and more difficult from year to year. I do not know what your present support system is - and if I know more I could help you - that is what I do - and if you do not want to post personal details on this site you can contact me directly, (I really am an online therapist with a real practice) using either my virtual office ( or the link on my site ( Please - check me out - here, on Goggle or yahoo ("david ben-gershon") and contact me.
@neelygal (1022)
• Bahamas
10 Jan 08
My mom loved Christmas too,it was her favourite holiday.she passed away last June and i had trouble with Christmas this year too.I put a christmas tree on her grave with ornaments and stuff.You could try that,it made me feel a little better cause it was like she could still enjoy the season.