In Need of Some Entertainment

United States
January 18, 2008 4:00pm CST
I work from home as a Tech Rep for a local communications company and when I'm waiting for calls I get sooo BORED. So I surf the net. I feel like I've surfed the whole net by now, but I know I haven't. Doesn't anyone have any fun or entertaining websites they could suggest that would entertain me for a bit?
3 responses
• New Zealand
18 Jan 08
Maybe submit your blog to a free directory like blogengage (nice site too), where people vote to put your blog link on the main page. Then check now and then to check the number of engages (or votes)...
@angieang (262)
• United States
18 Jan 08
You mean besides the one you are on! lol I have become addicted to this website! A suggestion that I have, but have never done myself was to make a research paper on something. Find a topic that interests you and learn more and more about it. Then maybe one day it could be used for a job, or school. Some people will actually pay for research papers around here! Sounds dreadful I know, but could benefit you in the long run.
@danzer (2723)
• Philippines
18 Jan 08
Different people have different kind of entertainment. It depends on what kind of thing will entertain you. Cleaning your place can be fun and entertaining; reading self-development books can be a good source of entertainment and learning!