Teenage Daughter Issues

United States
January 24, 2008 7:31am CST
I have a 17 year old Daughter who is excellent in school, although she is drifting away from family, her life is so fullfilled with her boyfriend that she can't see we miss having her around, everything is about him. I am scared to insist she devotes more time at home, thinking that will drive her away more. Confused at what to do.
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2 responses
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
24 Jan 08
Awe. Have you tried to tell her that? Sit her down and calmly explain to her how you are feeling. Let her know how much you miss her being around. Ask her if she could set aside atleast 2 days a week to spend doing family things and also invite him to be included in some things. You are going to have to learn to share her! Remember what it was like the first time you fell in love or just how it was to be 17??? She sounds like a pretty smart girl, I think she'll understand what you are trying to say to her. Good luck and let us know how things go! ~Stephanie
• United States
24 Jan 08
I have set her down and tried to explain, although she don't see it my way. I know I have to share and that is a hard thing to do. She has tried to spend a evening with us from time to time but seeing her so depressed from not being with him I tell her to go. My worst fear is when it's time to go to college will she go. He has no goals in life, her GPA is 3.89. I have also tried to involve him in family things, thinking that would help but he refuses to come, he would rather stay home and play video games, or watch a movie. You are right though she is a smart girl, so hopefully this will all work out.
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• United States
25 Jan 08
Well it stinks that you've tried all of that and haven't been successful. I don't know your money situation but what about taking her out to a movie, or skating or maybe to the mall? Or if she's interested in something that you two could take a class together or something like that. I don't know, mine aren't that old yet, and I'm sure when they get to that age, I'll be on here begging for advice too! It sucks that your kids grow up so fast. My youngest just turned 3 and I'm heartbroken over the fact that I can't have anymore. (I'm not really, but I love babies.) Guess I have to wait for the grandbabies now. I'm NOT in a hurry to have those! Oh my gosh, ugh! I hope you figure something out. Keep in touch!
• United States
24 Jan 08
Do not insist. It will only make her think you are trying to keep her away from him. Instead why don't you plan some kind of family night. And it wouldn't hurt if maybe you included her boyfriend in this. This way she will be seeing him and you will be able to spend some time with her. You can also do things with her that she will enjoy which will give you and her time together. Suggest that you want to take her and have her nails done or her hair done. You's can get these things done together. It is normal for a girl her age to be wanting to spend all her free time away from home. I broke my mom's heart with this. She did the hair and nail thing with me. It was alot of fun. It also made me look at my mom as more of a friend so it got to the point where I wanted to spend more time with her and actually talk about my problems with her.
• United States
25 Jan 08
Thank you for your comment and you are right, I will try the hair thing. My daughter does talk to me about most of her problems and that I'm very thankful for, although that sometimes makes me have to bite my tongue. I know when I was her age I was always right, or thought I was anyways.