day 7

United States
January 28, 2008 11:29pm CST
so its now 7 days past my period... i dont think its coming any time soon... ive been very clumsy and i cant talk right. I'm REALLY sick right now, and thats not helping things.. im usually never sick, and i havent been this sick in a long time... i really dont wanna own up and use the "P" word. i bought some p test online the other day, im waiting for them in the mail.. i keep thinking im going to start before they come, but i still have yet to... my guess is they will be here tomorrow... so i should know by then.
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4 responses
@babykeka80 (2084)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I am currently 28 weeks prego but this one was planned. I remember with my first one I knew I was pregnant before I even missed my period. I kept having weird dreams and just had this "feeling" Weird huh? Well, good luck whatever happens let us know.
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• United States
4 Feb 08
yeah with kaylee i defiantly knew before i was pregnant i was 1 day late, and wasn't even really keeping track.. i had a test in my dorm room , so i said egh might as well... to my surprise it was positive hah with my miscarriage, i would have never even known i was pregnant unless i was keeping track of my period. i cant wait to TRY to get pregnant, i just want to have that anticipation of it, it seems so fun, yet to upsetting too
• Canada
29 Jan 08
Well would being pregnant be a bad thing? If its what you wanted then congrads :) I myself am currently 32 weeks pregnant and can't wait for it to be over. I'm tired of being pregnant lol. Do you have any kids? You'll have to let us know what happens :)
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• United States
29 Jan 08
it wouldnt be a BAD thing.. it just wouldnt be good timing.. i have a 13 month old daughter... i really hope the tests come today.. i will be waiting till 3 when the mail comes!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Are you hoping to be pregnant or not? My period was a few days later than normal sometime last year. But unfortunately for me, it did come. I guess sometimes a woman's cycle can 'adjust' every once in a while making look like we are late when we really aren't. Either way I wish you luck. :)
• United States
29 Jan 08
me, i dont really care that much if i am. i would be happy, but my boyfriend doesnt want another one right now... so it would be upsetting to see his reaction, altho i know deep down her wants another one, he just cant bring himself to agree that now is the time. witch it really isnt
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
1 Feb 08
I see the discussion is 3 days old already. Do you know yet? I wouldn't have the patience to wait for tests ordered online. I have such fluky cycles that I tend to keep a couple of tests in the cabinet just to reassure myself when it's extra late.
• United States
4 Feb 08
i ended up starting on the 29th... it was a very strange period.. i felt like crap the whole time, i was also and still am sick.. so that didn't help.. i still have lingering spotting thats kind of annoying.. im not sure what was wrong with me, but it defiantly wasn't a miscarriage, so im relieved about that. now i have extra tests too so when im randomly late again i can also reassure myself. i should be getting on birth control next month after i get a pap.. so no more worrying lol i told my mom just my luck and i will get pregnant this month... like it happened with my daughter, the month i was trying to get on birth control i got pregnant! lol she said I HOPE NOW! haha