What are Your Plans for Your PTC Earnings

@trinale (1479)
United States
January 30, 2008 9:11pm CST
Since alot of members here are PTC supporters and sticking with them after the big paypal fiasco, I'm curious what do you do with your earnings? I guess this questions is geered more towards the ones accepting AlertPay only and members who don't have verified AlertPay accounts... Cheers Ed
1 response
• Mexico
31 Jan 08
Alertpay charges you $1 for any transactions so I guess you could just transfer all of your funds into paypal. I'll have to look into it and see if its possible but you'll end up loosing a bit. As for me, I'm more focused on earning some cash, as for the Alertpay and paypal issue, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
@trinale (1479)
• United States
31 Jan 08
You want want to look at the requirements to verify your AlertPay account. If you're ok with it, no problem. personally, it was way too much of a hassle and I have issues with providing the kind of personal information they require online. Cheers, Ed