Orkut - Is it a friend or a foe?

@rashmigs (400)
February 7, 2008 11:23pm CST
How many of you use orkut? I am just curious to know this. There are so many sad, unwanted stories and incidents that we get to hear about orkut (or other networking communities). Do you think uploading photos and personal information in such a networking communities is a great idea? All my friends keep asking me to upload my photos on to Orkut. Even I love to do so. But I dont feel its safe. Anyone could see it, download it and misue it. What do you think? Have you or any of your friends had a bad experience with Orkut? Is Orkut your friend or a foe? Share with me, your good/bad experiences with such Social Network communities.
1 response
• India
8 Feb 08
I have an Orkut account but i don't use it much but my elder brother does it all the time to keep upto date with his friends. And about uploading photos to the internet you should be real careful. Sorry to say this but if you are a girl don't keep your photos because some day if they end up in some bad sites on the internet. Morphing photos has become common these days.
@rashmigs (400)
• Singapore
9 Feb 08
ya very true "chaingang". I agree with you. Thanks for your comments. Even i get to hear so many bad stuff happening with pics in the internet world...