What do you think will happen next on One Tree Hill???

United States
February 19, 2008 3:06pm CST
One Tree Hill is a T.V series on the CW that is about two brothers who play basketball together in High School. We are now entering our fifth season and it's really getting juicy! All the friends in the previous season graduated High school and went on to bigger and better things. For example: the Head cheerleader "Brook" who was elected class president went on to create her own fashion line in NY called (Cloths Over Bro's). Her Best friend "Peyton" also a cheerleader/tortored-artists went off to join a record lable in chi Town. Her ex boyfriend "Nathen" your typical cockie, head of the basketball team, jock got to play college basketball and his wife "Haley" had a baby they stayed in Tree Hill. Last But not least you have "Lucas scott" the younger brother who ended up wrtiing his own novel, also residing in tree hill. Whats going to Happen in tonights epsoide you think? Peyton moved back to Tree Hill years after Lucas perposed to her thinking she could get him back and start her own new lable. Brook witch we all know is her best friend moved back as well to help Peyton with her troubles, opening a new clothing store in tree hill in the mean time. As far as lucas is concerned he has a new love Named "Linsy" who is also the Editor of his book. As for Nathan and Haley they hired a nanny to help take care of there two year old son Jamie... Now for the scoop.... Peyton wants Lucas back, but lucas perposed to Linsy. The nanny is after Nathan and haley is catching on... Whats going to happen tonight you think?
1 response
• United States
19 Feb 08
Yeah I know what's going on one tree hill tonight! Lucas asked lindsay marry him last episode! she said yes peyton said sorry to lindsay! Lucas wants to marry lindsay right away!