Do you think communication is more effective than medication?

United States
February 23, 2008 8:08am CST
People seek professional counseling everyday, but do they really need it? Those that have had serious trauma apparently benefits from the services, but there are those of us that just needs the privacy to be ourselves and speak without feeling guilt, the gossip from our close famile and friends and the image to be perfect. Alot of people have no one to vent to, and these are the ones that seek no other option but to do it the way the "therapist" suggests if they want to continue the services. Would you oay a small price to sit in the comfort of your own home, to vent with a stranger that did not offer professional advice, but friendly advice that you sought out preferrably from close family and friends?
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2 responses
• India
23 Feb 08
yes you are right! communication is very important in this current world where people are struggling to find quality time to spend with their loved ones. A proper communication of ones feelings with a person who can under stand the same can fix many of the problems that we face today, i have to say thought that there are situations which can be solved only by professional counseling.
• United States
23 Feb 08
Thanks for your response. I agree most people have a more severe situation that only a professional can assist with, but those that just needs someone to listen and offer non-judgmental advice would benefit from talkin to a stranger more than they would from close family and friends.
• Guam
23 Feb 08
yes... communication is so essential in helping others get better. Once you use therapeutic communication on a patient or client, you can help him/her understand the situation, encourage him/her to comply with the treatment and procedures ordered for him/her. I'm a student nurse, and I've handled patients who are mean to the nurses but very kind to the student nurse. SOme of them don't allow the nurses to touch them, and they also refuse medication if given by the nurse. But, when its the student nurse, they cooperate with you and eventually comply with the appropriate interventions being done. Their reason for this: Patients don't trust nurses who cannot communicate. So for me, without communication, medications may become useless.
• United States
23 Feb 08
Thanks for your response.