Spring cleaning: It's that time again!

United States
March 2, 2008 1:49pm CST
We all dred making time to do our annual spring cleaning. Out with the winter stuff, in with the spring. I usually dedicate a weekend in March to take the time to clean my house from top to bottom, pack up my winter clothes and store them and try on last years Spring clothes to see if I can still fit it or not. Now I do the basic cleaning for my house. But who has the time to do a top to bottom thorough cleaning when you're like me working a 9-5,taking online classes,raising a 11 year old and working part time on the computer in the evening time trying to make that supplemental income. What measurements do you take to do your spring cleaning? Do you pack your winters clothes or you just leave them all year long? Is it worth taking the time to pack and then turn back around and unpack them 7 months later? Share your ideas.
1 response
@zenmachado (1617)
• United States
2 Mar 08
Dont remind my wife about Spring cleaning... because its a task that I dread! :D