What was your hardest crash on dirtbike?

Pastrana crashing - trying to do unreal trick but his fork sucks
@cednik (233)
United States
March 16, 2008 12:43pm CST
Have you ever crashed on your bike?. Do you have any after-effects of it?
3 responses
• United States
7 Oct 11
i tend to crash on my dirt bike alot but that is not because i am a bad driver is it because i do alot of stupid stuff on it but i never really got hurt that bad i always wore my helmet and protective gear so that helped to protect me i think the worst crash i can remember is when i was riding through my great grandfathers side yard and the grass was really tall and i ran straight into a two by four piece of wood sticking out of the ground it knocked the breath out of me and my ribs were bruised and my leg was bruised where the bike fell on top of me i do not have any after effects from it though thankfully
@ADMaroC (76)
2 Oct 10
..well i haven't tried it yet.. but i love it i love to watch movies "motocross riding competition".. im influenced of my boyfriend.. its very interesting interesting and enjoying game.. but sometimes its quiet dangerous..
@tdusak (15)
• United States
16 Mar 08
Not a dirt bike, but a street bike....was cruising through a large parking lot and coming upon my friend whose bike I was driving...he started waiving his arms like crazy and then I saw why.... Section of the parking lot I was coming to was gone and a huge hole was hidden from my elevated view...once I saw it there was no time to break, geared down a couple gears then put the bike down on it's side with my ankle caught in the gearshift still....bent the gearshift straight up with my foot in it....hairline fracture, but could have been much worse,lol. My buddy used a hammer to straighten out the gearshift and rode it home like that,lol.