watch this user? be he/she is bullying person or a hacker!

March 26, 2008 6:31am CST
Everyone should whatch this user xulin1986(2). While responding to our discussion, instead of giving his/her response - he/she types what exactly we have put in discussion as his/her response.He/she did that, responding on my topic "what do you think of an arranged marriage" - the response from this user is same of my discussion topic. Not only to me, even for another user(prespectives), xulin1986(2) responded in the same way - that is whatever discussion prespectives put on the topic BRRRRR...what temperature do you view as "cold"? he/she responded with the same discussion. ( I am sorry prespective - I have used your username here). User xulin1986(2) has joined 3 months back - his/her location show nothing - his/her country is china - gender is not mentioned - his/her age has been put as 21 - he/she has not posted anything for discussion so far - but he/she responded 2 times, and the two are the above discussions. There is another user - whom I will bring in to public soon. I request my lot administration to take action against this type of users.
1 response
@p1kef1sh (45681)
26 Mar 08
I haven't seen this one but I have noticed a number of Chinese members that post discussions and then never acknowledge responses. That happens elsewhere of course, but a number of these have been about Tibet. There has been some speculation in the UK media recently that the Chinese are writing letter from non existent people supporting the Chinese Government's line. Perhaps myLot is suffering some of this. Although the one you mention sounds more like a silly person messing about than anything else.