Things That Make You Say Hummm!

United States
April 1, 2008 1:58pm CST
Hey guys here is something to think about. Gas prices are on the rise as we all know and it got me to thinking what if gas got so high that in order to get gas you had to take out a loan at the gas station either apply inside or at the pump. This would determine if you could get gas or not. If you were approved filler up, but if you were declined well happy walkin. So I want to know what you would do? I want to hear from you. Me I would take the bus it's cheaper. Let me know what is on your mind. This will be the first of many things to make you say hummmm.
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1 response
• United States
1 Apr 08
I don't think it would be a problem with me getting approved for a loan because I have good credit and lots of credit cards. But, if gas prices got so high that I had to actually borrow money to pay for it, I would definitely cut back or not drive at all. I don't like having debts and buying gas is a basic need, so I always try to have enough cash to cover the bill, or I don't drive as much. We have a horrid bus system where I live and it gets worse by the year. I work at different locations and many of them have no bus service at all even though they are in the middle of the city. So, I guess I would have to either take a taxi, ride my bike, or ask for a ride from someone else.
• United States
1 Apr 08
Yes I agree with you there I more than likely would have to take the bus here our bus system is not too bad. I bet alot of people would be in shae from having to ride our bikes. :)