Will Barack be the first black President???

United States
April 2, 2008 8:43pm CST
I'm sure that is what everyone wants to know. Here's my personal opinion... I honestly don't think that he will win. Don't get me wrong, I do think that it is awesome that he is running because he is currently making history. I just think that the world is not really ready for a black man to be President. I think that we, America, are more excepting to have a white woman be our President instead. I personally don't have anything against Barack. I actually think he may make an outstanding President. I just think that he is at somewhat of a disadvantage because of his race. However, Hillary's gender is what counts against her... so it makes this race a real toss up. I am not too into politics, but this particular race intrigues me because of the two minorities that are running. A part of me is really worried about Barack's life. Have you noticed that the two Presidents that were assassinated, Lincoln and Kennedy, were killed due to racism? Lincoln, because he help free the slaves, and Kennedy because he was all for the civil rights movement. I know that we are in a new day and age. I also know that our generation is more open minded than those of our parents and grandparents, but some things never change. People still get mad and, people still kill. Who knows,,, maybe Barack will be our next president, and our first black president. I guess I am just more scare about history repeating itself. My mind keeps wondering... Both Lincoln and Kennedy were white, but that never stopped those who killed two of our greatest Presidents. Here come Barack Obama, a black man, wanting to be America's next President, what kind of trouble will this start??? ~Thanks for Listening
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2 responses
@twenty1 (25)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I don't understand how America can say they are not ready for an African American President. America wanted Bush in office now they wish they had never elected the man. I can not believe that we are in the year 2008 and yet this country's mentality still has not progressed in any way. That is why this country is having so many issues in the first place. Too many people are so worried about the outside instead of what is on the inside. That is what will keep our country continuously falling down the rabbit hole. Obama has continuosly told this country his intentions for when he gets in office, and so has Hilary Clintion. Listen to what they have to say and not at how they look, and then decide who is well fit to be the next President. Race nor gender has anything to do with who is fit to run the country!
• United States
11 Apr 08
It shouldn't start any trouble because he is a man, first and last. An intelligent, educated man. Why we, America is more excepting to have a white women since you are speaking for America because I do not agree. Hillary Clinton is not the right women, now I believe a woman can definitely run this country better but not Hillary Clinton. She has no consistency, no conviction and I feel she is very dishonest. But I am curious to know your views on why America is not ready as opposed to some of America not be ready because Obama seems to have a lot of support from America and it is not just Black America. Isn't it sad that it is a real possibility that some ignorant person may make an attempt on his life, but why would they wait till his president why haven't they tried already. Can we just pray that maybe America might have grown in the last 100 years and those people with such narrow minded thinking people will become extinct into the distant past like dinosaurs.