Second child, same amount of weight gained during pregnancy!

@kieungoc (232)
United States
April 4, 2008 8:26am CST
I didn't even try this time. I am normally too skinny in my own eyes and when I got pregnant with my first son, I wanted to gain as much weight as possible. Afterwards, I regretted it because I didn't realize how terribly huge I looked. Even my neck got big! Anyways, when I was pregnant with my second child, I wanted to stay fit and put on only baby weight. At first, I didn't have a craving for any sweets, but towards the end, I ate anything sweet that stepped foot in the house. Well, I ended up gaining the same amount of weight as before. Oh well, it's worth every pound!
1 response
@lhw7661 (51)
• United States
26 Apr 08
It IS worth every pound until you try to get back into your clothes a year or two later. Most women are not as lucky as you and definitely do not have TRY to gain weight. I still have the weight from my third child and he is 27 years old! Be careful what you wish for!!! to gain weight.