how do you find out the fact in news?

April 11, 2008 7:48am CST
Well, something happened last month. First, chaos broke out in Tibet, then campaign against some newspapers and TV media that report what happened in a manner far alway from media morality , far alway from holding a neutral standing point. Yet, it has never beyond my expectation that seldom there is a news report deserves the reputation --fair, particularly when the targeting issue linked with certain controversial implication. The truth is human mind are more susceptible to prejudice than we think, and this applies to news reporters too. They may subconsciously bring their own opinior into their report, or make the report from an angle advantaged to echo their own opinion. Moreover, we can not escape the fact that media, under most circumstances serve for the country or interested organization behind it rather than common public. However, what really matters is what we can do? I mean how to make sure what we know is the fact , not opinion. Obviouly,the internet has solved the problem to some extend.So it is valuable for YOU to recommend some websites you always visit for discovering the fact, what it is ????? which one should rank top as fair????
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