Why not teach yoga and Gardening and how to live in schools !!

April 14, 2008 4:45pm CST
Why is violence,dropout, taking Ritalin so prevalent in schools these days?? I think the whole curriculum should be changed. Exercise or yoga should be first on the list .. and this every day. Young people need to move, gain confidence, and release all of that pent up energy.. .. otherwise they become dysfunctional insecure adults... The problem is that people are just accepting things the way they are and blaming the kids.. the whole school system is to blame!!! Everyone has lost control ..who is controlling who here?? How to get back our control??.. Flamenca
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3 responses
• Canada
15 Apr 08
Unfortunately, the system HAS CONTROL!!! Unless one can afford private schooling ( like Montessori), most kids have to comply to boring school programs !!!
• United States
14 Apr 08
I think all these things would be wonderful things for schools to do. At my oldest granddaughter's school, they have something called Teen Living. She says they teach you how to live on your own, to write checks, balance checkbooks, and that sort of thing. She said there is also public speaking involved. I've always wondered why schools didn't have something like this for students. Everyone is not headed to college, and the school system should realize that. I think we need to offer classes in different trades, maybe an apprentice program like Bill Clinton wanted. I think it's past time for that. Exercise? I agree. I am old enough to remember school without gym class. We had activities, but nobody had to do anything they didn't want to. You weren't forced to play a game of baseball, soccer or whatever. You could just jump rope for 30 minutes. I loved that. I loved that you had choices. And I don't think it should have ever been a lettered grade. Yoga would fit in there. Schools have the habit of saying to children, "Why can't you be like everyone else?" Well, who wants to be. We are all individuals and I think schools could do more to support that!
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
14 Apr 08
Interesting discussion you have started here. I myself believe something similar, I believe we should require a certain level of consumer education to be taught.