What do you do when your soulmate/break-glass-in-case-of-emergency guy leaves?

April 16, 2008 6:16am CST
My best friend of almost 8 years is US-bound this July. His company is sending him there to open a new branch... I think. We have been talking about it and we promised each other that there will be no goodbyes for us and that we will still keep in touch. But in my heart of hearts, I am scared to death. Because even if I know that we will be friends for life, distance matters. I am scared that our friendship, or whatever it is that we have, might slowly dissolve into nothingness. I am scared that he might find someone who'll replace me in his life. I am scared that he will be happy there... on his own... Without me... Despite my absence. And I am trying so hard to not be affected too much, I am trying to keep up this facade that I am okay with him leaving for good, but some nights, it just gets to me, and I find myself hugging my knees, gasping for air. What do I do to minimize the pain, the longing? Find another? My friend told me that there will come a time when I will eventually find someone, not as a replacement, but as a buffer of sorts. I told her I was torn between saying "I hope so," and "I don't want to." She says the first is a manifestation of being hopeful, the second, of being tragic. I guess that's what I am right now. Torn... Confused... Empty... Tragically hopeful.
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2 responses
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
17 Apr 08
If he is not coming back, and you are not going there... You probably won't lose your friendship but it will surely change. You will make other friends and so will he. Then your lives will be involved with others. I moved away from home at 18. My best friend and I were inseperable for years but when one or both people leave; there are bound to be changes. Is this a romantic relationship or best friends only? Either way, saying good bye or "see you later" is painful. My husband is military and part of the reason I don't make close friends anymore is because in the military everyone leaves at some point. I hate "good byes". Best of luck.
17 Apr 08
He says he's gonna visit every now and then, but still, it's different. It's a friendship, I wouldn't want to say we're "just friends" because a "just" wouldn't do what we have justice. Of course, I'm hoping against hope that nothing will change, but that's like wishing for Santa Clause to be real... Impossible. Oh well.. I guess we just have to ride with the times. Thanks for commenting. :)
@kmurti (100)
• Russian Federation
12 Oct 08
I can understand hpow you feel it is horrible..i feel the same way i moved out in distance and was so sure it would never be a barrier in our relationship as i was so positve he would be there for me..but now i remain there it is him and only him..i cant think of someone else but he has drifted..