Does you dog do things to annoy you?

My Dog - This is a picture of my dog sleeping on my leat it looks like she's sleeping...she may be pretending.
@Nykkee (2522)
May 5, 2008 10:07am CST
My dog is laying on the couch behind me right now SNORING at the top of her lungs. She's not asleep, her eyes are open and when I yell at her to stop it she just looks at me like she doesn't know what I am talking about. I know she is doing this just to annoy me because she does it whenever I am useing the computer, and ONLY when I am useing the computer. She also does other things just to get on my nerves, for example, when I am making supper and my huisband is sitting on the couch, she gets under my feet while i am trying to cook. She onlt does this when my husband is home though, because she knows that he is SUPPOSED to be watching her. If he is at work and I am baking she'll lay on the couhc like a good dog. She just wants to make me mad at him for not watching her. Does your dog do things like this? Things that seem to have been thought up on your dog's part just to get on youer nerves?
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5 responses
@devil77 (143)
• Canada
5 May 08
My dog barks at anything or anyone it's really annoying. I live in a apartment building and me neighboors think it's annoying as well.
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
6 May 08
My dog doesn't really bark for no reason but if she wants something she'll bark until she gets it.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
5 May 08
I don't know if it is on purpose but, my dog knows his commands. Sit, lay down, etc...but, he can't seem to detect my voice or something because, he won't listen to me until I get to the point where I am yelling at the top of my lungs to get him to obey me. He does what my hubby says at the first command. Me...not so much. If the hubby tells him to lay down when he is begging at the dinner table, he will do it immediately. If I tell him once nicely, twice with a little bit more authority, and even up to 11 times, he won't listen until I am yelling at him and starting to get up to move towards him. It ticks me off. He should just listen to me. Period. But, nope...I don't have the right parts obviously.
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
6 May 08
Yeah he's probably jus tdoing it to annoy you/ My dog does stuff like that sometimes and she's really smart and can learn anything...except fetch, I'm sure she knows what it is, she just isn't doing it, she'll fetch one of her toys, but that's it, she won't go get anything for me.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
14 May 08
Thank you for the best response! And, I can relate to the fetch thing. My dog won't do it unless you are playing fetch with him outside and then, he will do about 2 rounds before he either gets bored or tired. LOL! Otherwise, if you tell him to fetch, even though he is a lab and it is practically in their nature to fetch things, he will look at you like you are stupid or lazy and you should get up and do it yourself. LOL! However, it could be my hubby's and my fault. We specifically trained him not to grab things with his mouth because, when he was a puppy, when we would take him for walks, he would pick anything and everything up that was on the sidewalk. Including people's newspapers, rocks, sticks, other people's balls (tennis, football, etc...) and just whatever he saw on the ground. So, we had to stop him from just randomly grabbing things in his mouth and taught him it was naughty. Now, unless we throw something for him, or give him a treat, he won't go get anything in his mouth! LOL!
@zer0charly (5614)
• Philippines
20 Jun 08
when I still have a dog, he always wanted to play with me and always stare at me whenever I am home. he's so sweet, and he always wiggle his tail on my legs.. what I hate about on him is that, whenever he get excited to play with me, he will jump in me and sometimes his clause scratches on my legs, that sometimes leaves a scars on it..
• South Africa
6 May 08
i totally agree with you, my fox terrior does things exactly like yours, glad to hear that my dog is not the only 'snoopy' ones. He would snore very very hard and has his eyes open wide and turning around. If i have some left overs snacks on the coffee table, he would remember that the whole time, whenever i am not watching him, he go and grab it and enjoy himself, he doesnt like sharing...
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
10 May 08
My dog won't steal food unless we actually leave the house. She knows that is't bad and she will get in trouble if she's caught so she will onlt do it if she really thinks she can get away with it.
• Philippines
15 May 08
same w/ dogs are so smart..and sometimes they are so naughty...they all sleep beside me...theres a lot of thing i love and like/ my 3 dogs when it's their time to eat and they don't want the food..we just frightened them that someone from our neighborhood will come inside and eat their foods and once they heard it they will finish eating the food as if there is no tomorrow hehehe