Passions for pets! Should you?

November 1, 2006 8:00pm CST
I love pets very much. I have had so many types of insects, animals, fishes, and birds since I was very young.....for example ranging from chicken (big ones, fighting cockoral, tiny ones - which I still have about 10 at the back of the house right now), dogs (used to have dogs, but no more), parrots (had a white parrot but was stolen from our place), turtles (smaller, fresh-water types - still have one at home), fishes (ranging from arrowana to guppies), doves (spotted, zebras and ground doves), grasshoppers, tortoises, pigs, ducks, geese, cats, cows, deer, eels,eagles,owls......and many others. But sad to say that development at times......threaten these living creatures. For examples, lands being cleared for commercial plantations make it almost impossible for many to survive because the areas will be cleared and burned. Insects and animals have to way to run/go.....and dying in the fire. So, keep your best to save and breed animals that are within your capacity to take care of. What you do think and what pets do you have?
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