How do I find out my feed url for my blog?

United States
May 18, 2008 8:58am CST
I want to add my blog to the blog section of myLot, but don't know my URL feed link. Can anyone help!? Thanks a bunch! :D
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1 response
@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
18 May 08
This is how I did mine I am not sure if this will work for you but it has always worked for me,I take my blog URL shown here as an example and at the end I add atom.xml. Which when done looks like this.... and that is how I did it on blogrush,also i posted something a while ago askign this same thing and I was told to do thsi as well,I hope this helps.
• United States
24 May 08
Thank you for your answer! Marked a best for you, solved my issue perfectly! ha you were the only one to answer though lol :P
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