Why do you stay here at Mylot?

United States
May 21, 2008 2:43am CST
What keeps you here at mylot? Is it the money you can make, the friends you can make? Both? What motivates you? =P
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6 responses
• Philippines
21 May 08
i stay here in mylot because of so many reasons. for earning extra cash. for gaining new friends. for learning new things. for sharing thoughts and ideas. and for fun!
@arcidy (5005)
• United States
21 May 08
Well I have to be honest i am here for the money. But I also love to post on forums but making money here is what makes this forum addicting seeing your mylot earnings go up everyday you just want to make more and more. I doubt if this forum didnt give us money a lot of us wouldnt even have found this forum I know I wouldnt have forund this forum thats for sure.
@baronarthur (4187)
• Indonesia
21 May 08
I have been at myLot for 2 years. For my first 3 months I really enjoy the discussions with new friends from all over the world. I have earned more than $160, but it's only a few money. I think friends are more important than the money..
@karmendra (1123)
• India
21 May 08
actually i am here only to express myself, my English is very poor and i seems that in My Lot, My English is improving day by day, that is first thing.. second thing is i found here some really good discussions, topic and post, i suppose that it will definitely increase my quality of writing. in My Lot, you can find the thoughts from all over the world, it is really very interesting...
@iDivision (1412)
• Latvia
21 May 08
i am here for money and secondary to find answers in my interests discussions :)
• Philippines
21 May 08
money, friends, just a part of the real reason. The more you talk to people in pain, in problem, people with questions, somebody who need someone to provide the answer........... the more you will understand what life is all about. how hard life can be.... I live in a world where peace seem to be actually a dream. education costing to high.. food? ahh we just started lining up for two kilos of grain for a day.. can u believe that...? What i really mean here in MyLot you will know me, my country, what the heck is going on with the world... you will know more about your neighboring places... its actually beyond money can afford to buy. its learning life in one of the thousand ways . here in MyLot........u just have to have an open mind and open heart when somebody ask for answers........glad to meet you here in MyLot.