Steriod use

United States
May 23, 2008 5:18pm CST
Should the government step in with all these hearings, or should teh MLB Commissioner be the one to decide who is guilty/not guilty after weighing all the evidence?
2 responses
• United States
24 May 08
This is a ridiculous over stepping of government and it's resources. Who did and who did not use steroids hardly effects the American People. It would be great if they were as interested in why the 9/11 commission report completely ignored the fact that a 42 story building collapsed that day. If they would spend more time trying to eliminate wasteful spending, corruption and addressing social security, the economy and regulated oil profits, in efforts to save our country, which cannot succeed if its middle class is driven into poverty.
• United States
25 May 08
You put it better than I could. I feel the same way. I doubt baseball fans care as much as the media does to be honest. I don't really see people that I know talk about who does what and why. In short, I agree with you and I want the government to fix the problems in the country that need to be fixed.
1 person likes this
• United States
25 May 08
Thank you for the best response! I agree with you, I also doubt that the fans care. Steroid use could actually be linked to increased fan interest in the sport. When Sammy Sosa, Mark M. And Barry Bonds started crushing them, fan attendance and interest sky rocketed. There may be a criminal case for the use of steroids, but it is hardly a congressional matter. Let the the professional sports associations and local law officials deal with the mater!
• United States
25 May 08
Agreed right there. This isn't something that the government needs to worry about. Just let's see what happens if baseball can fix it themselves but they can't babysit the players. They are grown adults and need to be responsible for what they do. Even with steroids, it doesn't grant talent automatically like a magic potion like you've seen in fictional shows. I'm not so sure how much HGH can boost skills as I am not familiar with it.
@babostwick (2036)
• United States
24 May 08
We've had hearings but personally would rather the government fix the Ecomony first and foremost and then get to this if need be. I'm sick of these ridiculous gas prices rising and it's impossible to find work. Jobs are lost constantly. We've got bigger issues that need to be looked at. As far as what to do, I guess you have to go with a case-by-case basis or something like that and go from there. Good question though.