Why do u like ur cell phone??

@niki_26 (125)
May 31, 2008 3:26am CST
Why do u like ur cell phone.. Just bcoz of its good looks or coz its got great features inside Also which cell phone do u think is the best than the rest???
6 responses
• India
13 Jun 08
I like my cellphone because it connects me to the rest of the world. Its stylish, trendy. I use Nokia N72.. Let me know which mobile phone u use?
@izzuyasha (348)
• Malaysia
13 Jun 08
I have an N-Gage QD and I love it because it's the best cellphone to play games!
@yourkl (583)
• China
31 May 08
I dont like it, but i need use it. In fact i listen to music or plat games time than i talk.
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
31 May 08
i like then becose of their great features inside, becouse them help me to kill my time when its really needed, like when im traveling with a bus and then need to wait atleast one hour for bus, really great for killing time ... about the calling somebody, good when needed, but if somebody really need me then let him call me, i doesnt have time for calling becouse i use cell phone like i say only when im traveling, when im home i switch to computer
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
12 Jun 08
I look for the features on the phone... I like my current phone because it does everything I wanted it to do, for personal use & work use... I was having problems with getting emails from work with little slider phone but now I have one of those smart phone, I noticed I'm using it for personal use as well... I don't much care about looks of the phone... I like Blackberries... I've used few other "smart phones" but they seem to be little too big for me... I have blackberry pearl 8120, perfect size & it does everything I wanted it to do...
31 May 08
I like my cellphone very much because it's very useful many features i used it for music,entertainment,watching videos.