Give Your Personal Opinion.....

@gotOBX (764)
United States
November 2, 2006 11:17am CST
To this saying..... "The ones who love us least are the ones we die to please." "The ones that love us best are the ones we lay to rest." Has this been your experience?
3 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
14 Nov 06
This would fit my family well. The one that loved me the best, was my father. And I am always trying to please my mother and partner...but somehow, it doesn't work. I am wondering if things might be turning with my mother though. Since she got re-married last year, she has been changing for the better. I might actually be able to finally have a relationship with my mother! :)
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
14 Nov 06
That is promising Tia. My soon-to-be-exwife and her twin sister were barely on speaking terms till my wife got pregnant. It did wonders for them and now they are well, close sisters.
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
14 Nov 06
That is promising Tia. My soon-to-be-exwife and her twin sister were barely on speaking terms till my wife got pregnant. It did wonders for them and now they are well, close sisters.
@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
14 Nov 06
While I can't say that it has been my experience per se, I can relate to it. I do, like many humans, have an unfortunate tendency to take people for granted, especially if they're good to me. I am trying really hard not to do this with my current husband, having learned the hard way from prior relationships. But I think the phrase above is symbolic of how many humans tend to act.
@gotOBX (764)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I have been on both sides of the saying. Even when I knew the person I was involved with was the best thing to ever happen to me it was hard not to think the grass is greener on the other side. After a couple failed relationships I look back and wonder what the heck I was thinking. Then there was a relationship that was totally not good for me and I knew it. I was fully into it but my girlfriend was not. I tried so hard to keep it together, but I knew in the end it was helpless.
@duff845 (10)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I have a friend that treats the friends that are good to her and respect her badly, and the ones that treat her like crap she tries extra hard for them to like her....pathetic! both quotes have been my experience...its pretty sad that thats how it works..