Did your childhood friend like stranger to one another now?

June 2, 2008 5:31am CST
When i think back about my childhood, many vivid memories spring to my mind. Some pleasure while some are painful. Regardless the quality i attach to these memories, they constitute the early experience of my life and they help me to make me the person i like today. The most vivid memory that i have is about the time fell from a coconut tree, As i grew older, i remember sitting side- saddle on the horizontal bar with my friend's bicycle while he pedaled us toward a small farm nearby. My friend taught me a lot, coughing fish has it ups and downs. We learn to respect living creature in the countryside. No single living being rule nature. As the year rolled by, me and my friend from my home town grew up. Most of my friend have left the neighborhood. We have lost our childhood. We like stranger to one another now for we have our separate lives to live. The only thing that blind us is the fact that we share the same childhood memories, memories we will always treasure.
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