Are you a canine lover or feline lover? Or is it both?

June 3, 2008 8:28am CST
Though the dog is considered as man's best, actually, any pet animal (except perhaps those which can not be tamed or domesticated wilds) as long as you would give your love and care would be a good pet and friend. The cat and the dog are perhaps the most common of these pet animals and there are various reasons why some animal lovers would prefer the one from the other. Though some would like both pets in the house. How about you, would you take a dog instead of cat or the other way around? Or would like both?
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3 responses
• United States
3 Jun 08
Dogs are my favorite, of course, I'm allergic to cats! But, I've always been a dog lover. My first pet was a German Shepard and I got her when I was just a baby. As a matter of fact, I think my mom and dad got her a little before I was born. But, I've always had a dog. I tried to have a cat once, but my eyes kept swelling up til I couldn't see and I couldn't go through a day without sneezing, so I just stick with my canine pals!
@sb2000 (36)
• India
3 Jun 08
Well if you ask which i like then i would say both. But if you ask me which i like the most then i would be inclined to choose canine.Though i like many animals ,i've always had an greater affinity to canine.
@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
3 Jun 08
I live with three cats right now (two are my own) and I definitely consider myself to be a cat person. I also love dogs, though... I have never come across an animal I didn't love! I wouldn't mind having a dog, too, but for now I live in apartments and I think it's just too small for a dog, and I don't have the time right now to take care of one properly... plus I would worry about introducing a dog to the cats right now in such a small place.