Have you seen a silver spider?

@getnbuy (1312)
United States
June 14, 2008 11:38am CST
This spider came out from under my vacuum. I couldn't believe it! He looked like a little nano spider, or robot spider like you see in the movies. He was so silver that he looked like he was covered with mercury! I sprayed him and after he was dead he did not shine any more. He was just black. He is a tiny little guy with some white markings. I've been trying to identify him from pictures on the internet. If anyone has ever seen one of these or knows what it is, please post and let me know. I would like to know I am not hallucinating!
2 responses
@Kulit25 (38)
14 Jun 08
Hi getnbuy, Haha... i have never seen one. I'm just imagining what you just described and i'm having goose bumps since i'm scared of spiders though i think it looks cool. ;)
@getnbuy (1312)
• United States
15 Jun 08
I corresponded with a insect professor (entymologist) and he said that spiders can have guanine in their blood and that makes them look silvery. The spider I saw looked like a jumping spider.At least I know i did not hallucinate the silver spider!
15 Jun 08
Hahhaha....wow, you really got so bothered about that spider. Good that you know that it is possible for spiders to look silvery and you won't have to worry that you seem like hallucinating. You're completely normal! ;)
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Not unless this spider got a hold onto some residue of a paint or what not.. It sounds like the body was rubbed up against some coating or what not..