thoughts about Peace in ancient india

November 3, 2006 12:16am CST
Thoughts about Peace in ancient india!In india every mantr, hymns starts or ends with something about peace. its defined in just two words. "Om Shanti"Om is sacred sound made of three sounds as aaa -- uuuu -- mmmmm= Om. it supposed to make all frequencies of human sound when pronounced correctly. Its written in specific symbolic formation ( see image). Interestingly there is a symbol for om shanti. and which is nothing but swastic. (swasti= peace). same swastic hitler used on flag contrasting its whole meaning with itself. ___ |__|__ __| | . This sumbol has only meaning in india and this whole peace. Om shanti. Shanti= Peace. This just made me though the ancient sages had though of peace even when they were not part of any wars. There are number of shanti matras but my favorite is, which include almost every particle, and ask it to be in peace. I have written sanskrit mantra in roman letters and its meaning from experts. Mantr:: ""Om dyauh shaantih Antariksham shaantih Prithivee shaantih Aapah shaantih Oshadhayah shaantih Vanaspatayah shaantih Vishvedevaah shaantih Brahma shaantih Sarvam shaantih Shaantireva shaantih Saamaa shaantiredhih Om shaantih, shaantih, shaantih! ""Meaning: (two interpretations) By Swami Shivananda, Rishikesh O Supreme Lord, Thy celestial regions are full of peace and harmony; peace reigns on Thy earth and Thy waters. Thy herbs and trees are full of peace. All Thy forces of nature are full of peace and harmony. There is peace and perfection in Thy eternal knowledge; everything in the universe is peaceful, and peace pervades everywhere. O Lord, may that peace come to me! Meaning:(By Swami Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, India) May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere. May peace reign all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers. May peace flow over the whole universe. May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman. And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone. Om peace, peace and peace to us and all beings!
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