My family is broken

June 20, 2008 11:21am CST
The father of my daughter left me almost a week ago. I am devastated. My family is broken. He told me I shouldn't expect anything from him. I said that if this is the case, then he should not see me and my baby any longer. He said he'll just be there for our baby. But nothing more. I didn't agree. I told him that it's better for us not to have any contact anymore. We're not married. So I guess this is it. He hasn't tried to talk to me in the past days. Nothing from him. I don't know if there's someone new, but I feel that there is. He just let me and his daughter go. I am wreck now. I hope your words can help me go through this very painful phase of my life.
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2 responses
@Elixiress (3878)
20 Jun 08
If he wants to be there for the baby then you should definitely give you money every month so you can look after her financially since babies are expensive. Even though it hurts now, I think you should keep in contact for the babies sack as you will only regret it when she asks who her father is and you don't know where he is. Good luck with moving on and don't see it as your family being broken, see it as being altered or changed, because you and your baby are still together as you's were before.
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@nelly5 (1424)
• United States
20 Jun 08
I understand you are in pain and you are heart broken right now. I feel for you, I have been through the same thing. This is when you just have to put your focus on what is best for your baby. You said that he said that he would be there for the baby, if he is willing to be there for the baby, you should allow that, there are too many kids these days without both parents involved in their lives. Him seeing the baby should not be based on whether you two are together or not or based on if he is going to be there for you. I understand it is hard and you are sad right now but you have to remember, that is still your babies daddy and if he wants to be a dad, please allow him to. As for you, remember that you deserve respect, truth and faithfullness. If he has another woman, you obviously are not getting what you deserve. Put your needs in front of his wants and you will be just fine, I promise. Keep your head up and a smile on your face! Hopefully you have at least one person close to you that you can confide in and get advice from in person. I will pray for you and the entire situation. Take care and I hope you have a great day!