best way to make free money

United States
June 23, 2008 11:13pm CST
okay this is a really good site!!!! is it SCAM -NO- PERIOD i gotten paid 3 times for a total of $287.78 and im going to tell you how i can help you easy goto the site sigh up after that click surf ads you get about a avg of 10+ads a day and for every ad you click you get $0.015 1.5 cents it may seem like not much thats way they have somthing called referrals earnings example you click 10 ads=15 cents 20 referrals click 10 ads a day=$2.00 your weekly earnings=$15.05 your mothly earnings=$60.05 LET me tell what happens when you use this link you will be added to the site an my friends list ONLY IF YOU JOIN USEING THE LINK i get you about 10 referrals a month this is me be my self im pretty sure you can reffer people your self but how do i do it i post videos.blogs join big groups and welcome them to the site with all the referral links
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