Have you ever been misunderstood?

United States
July 13, 2008 5:19pm CST
Have you ever tried to do the right thing and people just get you all wrong? Sometimes I feel people only see what they want to see.
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7 responses
14 Jul 08
I have been misunderstood when I told a so called friend how I felt about her. I told her I had a fantastic husband and awesome older sister but was still looking for a close friend. I thought she was soo cool, we have the same crazy/silly personally and just really hit it off. Needless to say my feelings weren't returned or appreciated. I later found out she is Bi, and may have taken it as a come on. I have nothing against what she choses to do with her personal life, I felt pissed because she couldn't talk to me about it. She stopped talking to me for a while and blew me off at that time I decided there was no need for me to put forth any effort into the relationship. Lesson learned!!
• United States
14 Jul 08
You think she was really into you secretly or something?
14 Jul 08
I think she thought I was coming on to her
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
13 Jul 08
Many times in my life I can say that I have felt misunderstood. Many times in my life it might be that because someone else has not had the chance to walk in my shoes yet, they may be looking at things from a different angle as well. Sometimes when you try to do things people may think what you are doing as wrong, as they are being a little cautious, and may think sometimes they are always the one who knows best. I know that many times we have to learn from our experiences and do as we see fit and then go from there. If we don't learn to live from our mistakes and choices, who else will?
• United States
13 Jul 08
Mistakes are an integral part of life and I love every mistake I have ever made. Mistakes make us stronger and hopefully, smarter. LOL My mother always knew there was no use at trying to stop, sometimes pain is the best teacher. LOL
• United States
16 Jul 08
I have had my words been taken the wrong way but not a deed as of yet. But yes it is true, people only see and hear what they want to.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
15 Jul 08
Whenever i speak to anyone and their are chance of being misunderstood, i make sure i use proper words and convey the massage to him. I have noticed one thing when we want to tell a thing which might hurt him\her, so when we are worried while speaking, it is sure the massage is misunderstood. hope i have convey my massage or i have confused you? I cant type word to creat a sentence but can speak very well.
• United States
13 Jul 08
the value of perception is highly underrated, and often not understood. The only way to change the way people see you is to understand what they see...
• United States
13 Jul 08
That might require giving a gosh darn don't you think? LOL JK. What do you do when you don't want to ask any questions?
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
14 Jul 08
yes,when i was in grade one of elementary school.one day,when we class dismissed,then we had a sweeping.i didn't want to sweep through under the desk.so i sweeped the rubbish to aisle,but the teacher said the aisle had been sweeped.and rebuke me not to sweep the rubbish to aisle.and said i was stupid. after that things,i was unconfident to do anything.
• United States
13 Jul 08
I used to feel that way all the time. I do still feel that way sometimes. My friend had a talk with me about the way I act, but some of the things she told me about I felt that she had totally wrong. A lot of the times we misunderstand one another as individuals but there are things that we could still stand to change about ourselves.