Transition from school to College/University education

July 19, 2008 1:48pm CST
In schools, you tend to be educated in a manner that is teacher centered: you listen to the teacher, and you remember the facts that you have been told. You are basically taught in a tightly enclosed environment where what you learn is determined by a Government developed system. Imagination, creativity and original thought are chucked out the window in favour of perscribed learning, fixed concentration and non-critical analysis of the information provided. That is the life of a schoolchild. College and University meanwhile work on a student centered approach, where it's the student's responsibility to learn the material: it is not the responsibility of the teacher. The teacher or tutor in this instance simply provide the tools: the student provides everything else. If you are the one of many people who left school and went straight into college and then University, how did you cope with the shift in education from teacher centered to student centered?
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
19 Jul 08
I graduated high school long, long ago. I went away to college about 3 hours from home and only lasted 3 weeks. My high school was different than today's. We were reponsible for learning. My problem was that I couldn't stand the behaviors of the other students in the dorm - and I had to stay there an entire year before I could move. I moved back home, got a job in the day time and went to college at night for years. The more mature night school students made me love being in college. Probably 99% were paying their own way and working in the day, so there was no goofing off. Ever since then, I have recommended to kids graduating college that they might want to hang back one semester and really visit the campus where they'd like to go during classes to see what really goes on. Plus I've suggested that they ask around about what happens in dorms, etc. And for sheltered Christians like I was, I usually suggest trying a Christian college.