definition of a friend

July 28, 2008 5:42am CST
who would love to tell me their definition of a REAL and GOOD friend :-).....
5 responses
• United States
28 Jul 08
a friend is someone who you can count on to stand by you thru thick & think, no matter what,
• Belgium
28 Jul 08
yep for sure :-) till the end isn't it :-)... tx for the respons :-) yours trully chrisone
• Puerto Rico
28 Jul 08
I friend is a person like part of my family. The person you believe to help you out in any circumstance.
• Belgium
28 Jul 08
as true it can be :-) tx for the comment on my post and good luck furter in /on mylot yours trully chrisone
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
29 Jul 08
A real friend is someone you can talk to, accept you for what you are and even your mistakes, can cry with you laugh with you,share everything with you, and can keep a secret.And will not ask anything in return.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
28 Jul 08
To me a real friend is a person that is much like yourself, you have a lot in common. You can trust them, depend on them. You can have a good time with them, laugh,joke.They are there for you in the good times and in the bad times. You can confide in them,they give you good honest advice when you need it.They do not criticize you or judge you.They do not talk behind your back.
28 Jul 08
I dont think so v cn define frendship in one word.. even if v cn.. it means tat the word v used doesnt kno the meaning of frendship.