do you contribute videos to youtube?

United States
August 3, 2008 3:39pm CST
do you put your own videos on youtube? is so how often? what have they been about? how many views have you gotten? ive only put 3 videos on there myself and there just of me and my friends messing around playing rock band. I would like to put on some better videos but i dont know what to make them about. ive gotten about 100 views one each, not too bad for a useless video. how about you guys?
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8 responses
@kidjuwee (611)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
I haven't put my own video in youtube. I don't see why so many people put their videos there. Do you earn money when you have a high rating? Because I am still new to youtube and I am not an active member there. I only watch skate videos in youtube.
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6 Aug 08
You should put yourself up doing some tricks! My son watches the skate videos, too. I don't know about making money. If your register, it's cool because you can save your favorites there.
• United States
5 Aug 08
Yes I do, but not very often. I have one my brother made about my dog and another one that isn't under my own username. The one about my dog has almost three hundred, and the one not under my username has almost 800.
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@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
3 Aug 08
I've posted 4 videos on YouTube. Well, it was just for fun and I posted my simple piano performances. There's a lot to watch on youtube though and some are worth the time. I've gotta admit that I've seen some videos that aren't good at all. Plus, the quality is yet to get better. It's understandable though since it will take more bandwidth if the quality is lifted up a notch.
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@ruby222 (4847)
3 Aug 08
Im a member of you tube and some if the videos on there are hilarious!!there was one I was watching a month or so ago ,with a tubby teenager strutting his stuff in front of a web cam,well i watched it over and over,it was so funnt,but lol theres no way that I would ever go on there myself!!I would just feel a fool,but they are very good,those who do!!
@mEisky (824)
• Philippines
6 Aug 08
oh well,my videos are ready to post in youtube but i dunno how would i post it
6 Aug 08
I just uploaded a video and it took forever! I never got the confirmation that it took and exited the site. Then someone told me it was up. It was a surprise to me! It really isn't that hard, but you have to register first. Try it!
@shamzy18 (2316)
3 Aug 08
nope im not even signed up to youtube i just go to watch videos mostly music videos
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@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
7 Aug 08
Posting a video in YouTube is fun. I already have more than twenty uploaded videos in YouTube. The highest number of views I received was more than 40,000. It is a pleasure to have other people watching my videos. It is their comments and ratings that make it pleasurable.
@jaffna (778)
• India
7 Aug 08
yep,i've uploaded many videos on youtube....but i don't spend much time on it since it's aggreviating me..i feel that we can spend those times some more useful...i've got so many members viewing mine too..comments haven't been discussed on ma simply bores me...