social phobia - its really you have it ??????????????

August 8, 2008 11:45pm CST
do you feel uncomfortable while meeting new people or somebody asks your opinion on something or going to places where you dont know anybody.Do feel that unreasonable pain inside when you are asked to talk in front of a group of people. These are the symptoms of a person with social phobia. if you had this problem very early on you might think that this is just the kind of person you are and that it will never change..... Well you're wrong !!!!!!!! social phobia is caused because of some incidents that happened in the persons life which made him think he cant handle things of his own. so if it can get in because of something the their is certainly a way to get out.
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4 responses
• India
9 Aug 08
well. are you commenting on the 'MENTAL BLOCK' thing which psycho analysts frequently tell us about? If you are asking me, .. I am a shameless person. SEE, that is what I think people consider me, if I do not pretend to be having the social phobia.. to act that I have some reservations and inhibitions, before venture out with my big-tongue, talking to new persons, and often talking and making introductions myself, without being invited. In new atmospheres. But, I also consider it as a something given by nature. Survival techniques. So, I dont have this social phobia. And, i do not foresee to be addicted by that in the near future. Be shameless. That is what I would suggest as a remedy.
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• India
10 Aug 08
well you're right about one thing, a shameless person will survive no matter what. But you're last sentence disturbs me, social phobia is not an addiction. people dont say " oh tomorrow lets be social phobic". its a condition which is caused in most of the cases by pressurized childhood.everything needs a good foundation even people, childhood is the foundation of people and if its not good enough he can become mentally very brittle.
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@relundad (2310)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Quite the opposite! I don't have social phobia, as a matter of fact I love meeting new people from different walks of life. That is one of the reasons that I like mylot. Most of my friends call me a social butterfly, because wherever there is a group of people is where I want to be. I am self employed and I make a point everyday to meet and greet 10 people. Somedays I don't quite make it but other days I surpass that. I leave home each day with 20 business cards with the intent of walking up to at least 10 strangers, introducing myself and making small conversation. As a result my marketing expenses are very low.
• India
10 Aug 08
Well i wanna say that you're quite lucky. people like you attract company and it maybe very easy for you to make friends. hey y don't you try to find a social phobic person and try to bring him up.
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@rocker21 (2716)
• India
9 Aug 08
i think i had this phobia already before but now i am working on it!
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• India
10 Aug 08
good for you !!!!!!!!!!!! do you mind telling how you're working on it............
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@payout (3794)
• United States
9 Aug 08
I think I have that really bad, I can't talk to new people but when it comes to sexy people i just have to walk away the crazy part is that happens to me a lot. and I don't know what to do. I can say Hi but I wont act like myself and talk as much as I would talking to my friend or anyone else. I will eventually open up later after time it all depends but Yeah I have social phobia very bad. I'm like super crazy shy and it's because I don't like How look or who I am. so yeah . :( well awesome discussions and keep posting good ones I like this one.. ^_^ well take care and Happy Mylotting my friend. :)
• India
10 Aug 08
Well yeah thats another symptom , thinking that you are a loser and hating yourself in other words a low self esteem. think of it in this way..... you have a disease and curing the disease will bring out the active person inside you. just try yoga or hypnosis techniques
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@payout (3794)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I bet, But Yeah Yoga never came to my mind ha ha.. I guess it would help thats for the info and the Best responses. ^_^ take care.