do you care for your sis problems?

August 11, 2008 5:41pm CST
My sister has a very personal problem. But she doesn't want to share it with me. According to her, it is too personal and she is not ready to share it with anyone. I pity her because I saw how she is being affected but I could not force her to share it with me. I care for her. Her problems are mine, too. But how can I help her if doesn't want it?
8 responses
• China
4 Oct 08
I have two sisters, but we are willing to share everything with each other, even personal problems. Since your sister does care about being disturbed, then leave her alone, she can handle them well. In my opinion, never pity somebody unless he needs it. just do what you usually do to her, maybe one day she will tell you her problems and you two can deal with them together.
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• Philippines
6 Oct 08
Good thing you have an open communication. So easy for you guys to communicate everything.
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
3 Oct 08
[i]Hi iza, I do but I will only wait when my sister is ready to share her problems to me..Oftentimes, I will ask her and will find a way for her to open up, we are close but I know there are problems that both of us are reserving to our own! ANyway, just be there for your sis and let her feel that you are very much willing to be a listener when she is very ready and let her gain your trust that no one will know it once she will reveal it to you![/i]
1 person likes this
• Philippines
6 Oct 08
Waiting is really worth it.
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
If your sister wont tell you about her problem there's nothing you can really do about it. Except to wait for the right time when she is ready to share her burden to you. Just be there to support her when she needed someone to hold on to.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
That is really what I am doing right now.
@eunife (165)
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
Give her some time. If I were you, i would talk to her about anything. Just long, friendly talk, or short talks every now and then until she gets the nerve to tell me what's bothering her. Don't keep on bugging her about the problem. Make her forget it once in a while.
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• Philippines
3 Oct 08
Yah, I think that is what she needed then- time to be alone.
• United States
12 Aug 08
I'm a youunger sister and my siblings ar always trying to "help me out" ,but occasionally I just want to solve my problems on my own. If you asked her about and she doesn't tell you that is all you can do sometimes. Just give her space. She will figure it out and maybe that space will let you bond more in the future =] Good luck!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
I understand. Being alone sometimes is enough.
• United States
12 Aug 08
You can help her just by being a sister. Sisters stand by eachother even when they push us away at times. I would give her space if that is what she wants but at the same time let her feel your presence. If she feels down think of something that will lift her spirits. Sometimes people just need a way to get out of the slump. There is nothing like a good laugh or some good old fashion fun to lift ones spirits.
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• Philippines
3 Oct 08
Definitely, i will always be a sister who will stand by her side.
@risris24 (712)
• United States
11 Aug 08
I too have a sister and many times have ran into this problem. Some people do not like to share their feelings even with those closest to them. She will come around on her own time and her own terms. She may be embarrased or hurting over this prticular situation but you cn tell her that you hate seeing her like this and you cannot help her unless she tells you what is wrong but that you respect her decision if it is to not tell you until the time is right for her and just let her know that you are there for her always and maybe she will feel more comfotable to open up to you sooner rather than later.
• Philippines
11 Aug 08
Thanks. I really can't help feeling sad for her.
• Philippines
12 Aug 08
I am the eldest sibling. We live under one roof. Whenever I see or I sense that my sisters have problems, I talk to them. Even if they're not the first one to approach me I make it a point to reach out to them. This is to let them feel that I am at their side ready to hear their stories. =)
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
That is also what I mostly do.
• United States
12 Aug 08
I do the same by letting my sisters know that I sense a change in there attitude or something seems different about them. This is just a way of breaking the ice and opening the door to let them know that you sense something and since I care enought to mention it to you they will in turn feel more comfortable with opening up to you.
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