The Worst Political Decision In Modern History

August 12, 2008 11:30am CST
It's been called the worst political blunder in modern history, but is it? Here's what happened the first week of August 2008: The economy is headed towards a recession, the housing market is sluggish and the head of the national Treasury department announces that the Stamp Duty Tax 'may' be cancelled. This is a one-time fee payable by anyone that buys a house in England and the fee averages between $5,000 to $60,000 USD. The Result: Buyers are backing out of deals, sellers are over-extended and facing the loss of their current and future home, estate agents are losing money that may have kept their businesses going a while longer and Mr. Darling has allowed the issue to dangle in the public view for several days without giving a definite answer or a time-line to let people know when the question will be resolved one way or another. What's your personal choice of the worst political blunder in modern history (any Country in the world)...
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