my new discussion not countd in post

@yadav8797 (1211)
August 16, 2008 11:58pm CST
friends, i am new on mylot, i m creating new discussion on mylot but not counted,then i reply the responded people on same discussion and these also not counted.why this is happen??
1 response
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Sometimes there appears to be a little lag in the update of the number of posts. Depending on what discussion you posted or replied to, they may also have been deleted if rules hadn't been followed. My number of posts fluctuates all the time. Don't worry too much about it.
@yadav8797 (1211)
• India
18 Aug 08
so.what should i have to do so that my discussion is got counted.can you tell me that how much money we get for the discussion we have create.why they delete our post.can they also delete our discussion which create by me.whats the factors or the we should have keep in that our discussion or post can't be deleted/can they also delete the discussion which can't contains abusive words.can they also delete the post which will be less than 4lines??tell me in detail friend
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Questions like the ones you just stated get deleted. Nobody knows how the system really works. Post quality discussions and quality responses that are about three lines at the very least and you will get it counted somehow. That's all we know. If you are here to make money, you are better off trying your luck elsewhere as you will nickel and dime your way through it. That's really not much worth the effort we put in, lol. I'm here for the discussions and entertainment. Earning some extra money is a plus. But quite frankly, I barely make it to $10 in a month. Just FYI;)