do you have fast or slow digestion

August 17, 2008 10:17pm CST
I have discovered that I have Very slow digestion and it is ver uncomfortable I have tried several things but so far no consistant results. Oh yes and inspite of this it does not keep my appitite down i am as hungry as ever. How would you speed digestion?
3 responses
@lixiaos77 (1030)
• Shijiazhuang, China
19 Aug 08
You can have more green vegetables and fruits which will help. The date will word efficently but you should not have too much. Tea is good for you digestion also. You should live a regular life and don't go to bed too late. Physical excercise will solve the problem completely if you can insist.
19 Aug 08
Thank you for you response I am eating more veggies and am eating most things blended for a few days to let my digestion rest. you are totally right about the excersise too I use to walk 3.5 miles a day and never had an issue think I should return to that Regular life is good but that and rest are not in my immediate future Thank again
@cuttyrish (2667)
• United States
18 Aug 08
i have a fast metabolism which makes me have a fast digestion... i don't know why... but i easily get hungry... try eating fruits and foods reach with fibers...
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
18 Aug 08
I think to speed up your digestion you can try to consume food with high fiber. Green veggies and fruits like mangos, oranges, papayas have high fibers in them. Balance your meal, and make sure you have enough nutrition. Avoid some meals with high fat. I myself have a slow digestion like you, but as I try to do these tips, it's getting better for me now. I hope my tips will help you in some ways. Good luck for you my friend...