my latest dreams

United States
August 20, 2008 2:18pm CST
i dnt have a job but latly i been dreaming that i had a job and i have to go to work. i really wanna job and ts really weird. wat do u think
4 responses
• India
25 Aug 08
dont dream about the job, dream about money instead ! :)), happy blogging
• India
23 Aug 08
ya its ts possible because u think always about job and that why your mind can show u what u r thinking and thinking. there 2 types of mind 1 is The Conscious and another is Unconscious mind . ur Conscious mind always think about job that why ur Unconscious mind r show dream about jobs. don't worry you get job better just only be positive .
• United States
20 Aug 08
Hmmm, Have you applied for a job somewhere or asked around about work? It could be that someone wants you to get back in touch with them and show them that you are really interested in working for them. That's what I feel your dream is telling you! Good luck and make the call!
@magna86 (1786)
• India
21 Aug 08
hi hinkerbell!! well as far as your dream is concerned!! your deepest desire to work comes as your drream!! but do not loose hope!! hane faith and confidence!! you will find your dream job one day!! to get the best you have got to wait a lot!! trust me on this!!