how many days do you think a person can survive without eating food???

August 31, 2008 3:34am CST
of course we know that food is very essential..and i can't even imagine myself not eating one meal for one day..just want to know what's the maximum day a person can survive..
3 responses
• Japan
31 Aug 08
It depends on how much fat his body have in reserve. An average person's thinking power will loose within 14 days of complete starvation. He may go to a comma within next two days and die in a day or two. But some years before I read in a newspaper one Indian Hindu monk could live upto 32 days. He was on a hunger strike against the government policies. Medical experts found it as surprising. But for Hindu monks usually practicing hard dieting and fasting can survive long periods without food. It is by practice.
• Philippines
2 Sep 08
really? 32 days without food??? wow.. that would really take a lot of motivation and determination just to do that thing..
@juhi06 (1850)
• India
31 Aug 08
hi dear jenskye03 funny question . no intention of serious dieting no? it is good to skip a meal here and there. if possible at least once a week . it will recharge your inner self. but regular no meal situation will start speaking on ones health . and generally one can not tay without food but in certain conditions exceptions are seen. among certain communities of jains and muslims and hindus people observe fast , without adrop of water for the entire day. the fast stars at the or before the sun rises and is normally broken or say food is taken after the sunset regularly for a month or so.. very few people have gone into some kind of samadhi where they abstain the food regular kind of food for years together and depend on fruit and such stuff available at hills .but this is a rare phenomenon!!
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
31 Aug 08
i can skip food but not to abstain myself from food oh never going to do that thats madness.
@lucy67 (819)
• China
31 Aug 08
in general, a person can live for seven days without water. but if he is in a dry environment, perhaps he will live shorter and if he is in a damp one, he will live longer than that. if a person has no food but has water to drink, he can live much longer, perhaps near twenty days.